Python Graph Gallery (Part 1)

Beverly Wang


This essay is going to summarise the python scripts of common graphs in data exploration. The sample data used here are Boston House Data (sklearn.datasets.load_boston())and Singapore PSI data. We will cover the following groups of graph:

  1. line graphs
  2. bar graphs
  3. dot graphs
  4. area graphs

All the scripts are available:

Line Graphs

We are going to provide scripts for 3 types of line graphs: standard graph, time trend, density curve. Before going to detailed graphs, let’s get familiar with the following options.

  1. Standard graph

There are a number of common options. They should be applicable to other groups of graphs:

  • figsize
  • linewidth, linecolor, linetype
  • xlabel, xtick, ylabel, ytick
  • fontsize, fontfamily
  • xlim, ylim
  • legend
  • grid
  • background color
  • highlight points
  • Add: line, dot, line segment, text or other shape

Figure: What is the relationship between house price and crime rate?

Fig 1. Relation between House Price and Crime Rate

2. Time Trend

Figure: What is the trend of PSI over time

Figure 2. Trend of PSI in Singapore

3. Density Curve

Figure: What is the distribution of PSI

Figure 3. Distribution of PSI

Bar Graphs

  1. Standard Graph

Figure: What is the average NOX regarding different accessibility to road

Figure 4. NOx in Different Accesibility to Radial Highways

2. Histogram

Figure: What is the distribution of accessibility to road

Figure 5. Distribution of Accessibility to Radial Highways

3. Horizontal Bar

Figure: What is the average NOX regarding different accessibility to road

Dot Graphs

  1. Standard Graph

Figure: What is the relationship between Price and Crime per capita

2. Scatter wrt. Category

Figure: What is the relationship between house price and crime rate for different accessibility to road

Area Graphs

  1. Standard Graph

Figure: What is the trend of PSI over time

2. Stacked Area Plot

Figure: What is the trend of PSI over time for different regions



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